Kickstarting a New Year of Timelines

Capture d’écran 2015-01-02 à 19.36.50
“Bigger does not mean better, but better is how we get bigger.”
Simon Sinek

Hi folks,

It’s a been a while since my last post. More than a year in fact. That’s a long time without giving news. As you may recall I blog for Alp ICT, Western Switzerland’s ICT Cluster. On the event front, last year was a pretty busy with Alp ICT Venture Night at Lift Conference in February, and the Swiss Pavilion at Mobile World Congress shortly after. Many quality events followed during the year on subjects such as wearable tech (smartwatches), 3D Printing, the Internet of Things and Information Security.

I was also given in 2014 the opportunity to write regularly for, the Swiss Startup News Channel based in Lucern. This has led me to interview entrepreneurs doing an amazing job. I also discovered innovative startups and learned more about the fast evolving swiss innovation ecosystem in areas such as life sciences (medtech, biotech).

Changing the focus 

My growing interest in the innovation ecosystem made me meet swiss entrepreneurs and write about their stories. This was humanly very enriching. I also learned a lot in terms of content management and had the opportunity to support some promising projects that are starting to get the attention they deserve.

This change in focus made me also reconsider my collaboration with the Swiss Marketing in Lausanne which ended in February 2014. This decision was also motivated by the fact that the club merged with Swiss Marketing Léman to form a bigger organization. Considering the growth of Lausanne’s famed marketing club,  the top quality networking experience it provided to its members and its healthy financial condition, this merger is still difficult to understand today. Ultimately the members (and the community) will decide if this move was relevant. I wish good luck to the new team.

Promoting Swiss Marketing Lausanne helped me showcase my ability to develop engaged communities, online and in real life. It was also an opportunity to organize interesting events on topics ranging from community management, to the contribution of women in marketing and the increasing importance of digital marketing for entrepreneurs (for example: crowdfunding). All my gratitude goes to their former President Mr. Philippe Kunz and his board, many of who have become good friends.

Enter 2015

Now you might be wondering how this blog will evolve in the future. Will I continue to refer to my “Loyalty & New Media” project? So far experience has showed me that the basics learned with this project should continue to be valuable in the future. Whether you are working for a startup or a bigger company, developing vibrant communities and nurturing long-lasting relationships will continue to be of strategic importance for your brands. I will therefore continue to share stories and ressources in content management, hopefully in a more regular way. Besides some exciting events are coming in 2015. So stay tuned!

In the meantime, I’d like to wish to all my readers an inspiring, creative and happy new year! I hope you all walk the talk, focus on quality to grow better and look forward to discover your feedbacks and comments. You can follow me on Twitter and join the discussion.

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